plate profiled

Profiling and Sectioning: Why Is It Useful?

Metals are present almost everywhere, whether you are living in an urban or rural area. But for us to gain the advantages of using metals, these materials need to take up different forms, shapes, and sizes—making profiling and sectioning important. But what are these processes, and where can we use the transformed metals they produce? Find out here.

plate split to bar

Resizing stock materials

Materials are not always available in ideal sizes. Accurate can reduce plate to strip, or squares/rectangles nearer net size ready for further processing, leaving usable/re-saleable solid offcuts.

Large sawing capacity

Large sawing capacity

Large sawing capacity up to 6000mm long x 1000mm high cuts, or, 1500 x 2000 round or rectangular and weights of up to 25 tonnes makes Accurate Cutting Services subcontract bandsaw capacity the largest in the UK.

Roughed exploded component

Excessing and profiling to remove material through sawing

Reducing a large pieces of stock material to a near net shape using our sawing service to bandsaw off solid pieces saves machining time and tooling costs on second processes, and has the side benefit of leaving off-cuts of usable size rather than turning it all into swarf.

Removing centre square

Rough Profiling & Sectioning by bandsawing

At Accurate Cutting Services, specialist heavy-duty vertical band saws produce substantial savings by profiling blanks to remove excess material in bulk – Sectioning by bandsawing.

Profiling and Sectioning

Profiling and sectioning

Profiling and sectioning at Accurate Cutting Services, specialist heavy-duty metal cutting vertical bandsaw machines are used to produce substantial savings