carbide circular saws 20p

Cost advantages from carbide circular sawing technology

Close tolerance sawn billets up to 100mm diameter or square, +0.25/-0mm, (depending on material dimensional stability) can be produced volume quantities, using full Statistical Process Control if required. Provides a very accurate blank for cut-to-weight applications where the volume of material required to fill a die is critical. Carbide circular sawing cuts are virtually burr-free, with surface finishes so fine that further machining is often unnecessary.

High Speed Volume Sawing

High Speed Volume Sawing

The carbide circular sawing machines installed by Accurate Cutting Services, used in volume production throughout the day and night, are capable of cutting up to 110mm diameter steel or aluminium material, to a very high standard of precision.

Precision metal cutting service hero image

Precision metal cutting service

High speed precision metal cutting sawing service offering fast turnround of billets and blanks from 10mm diameter to 150mm diameter in all metals at the best tolerances and finish quality.

Bulk excess removal

Excessing and rough shaping

Sawing out large sections of forged blocks prior to machining saves spindle hours on mills. Cut to holes to remove middle sections or trim sides to remove bulk excess or bevel faces.

Soitaab fvc ring 4

Large job bandsaw capacity at Redditch

Accurate Cutting has recently installed a new heavy duty Soitaab gantry bandsaw of up to 2000mm capacity to enable faster customer service. The gantry saw allows jobs to be more accurately positioned on the table, and the saw is moved over the job on linear rails enabling multiple cuts without repositioning.

Soitaab fvc ring 4

Bandsawing to remove excess material

Using bandsawing to remove excess material prior to machining – reduces machining time, produces reusable pieces of material instead of swarf, reduces waste and facilitates sourcing of ideally sized material from oversize stock.

Profiling and Sectioning: What Does It Mean?

Profiling and Sectioning: What Does It Mean?

Metal cutting is a complex and intricate process. To complete the procedure successfully, one needs to have the necessary tools and possess strong attention to detail. Moreover, you can follow several ways to cut metals, including profiling and sectioning. In this article, we will walk you through the basics of these cutting techniques.